Texas Democratic Convention speaker is drag queen story hour performer pushing hormone blockers to trans youth

The Texas Democratic Convention was held in El Paso and ended on Saturday. The convention featured speakers such as transgender activist Charlotte Clymer, gun control activist David Hogg, and “full-time” drag queen Brigitte Bandit.

Bandit – who hosts a drag show titled “Big T**s Bigger Dreams” and promotes the “Big D***s Bigger Dreams” drag show – declared to have “worked with children for over a decade” at the Texas Democratic Convention.

Bandit – who regularly posts sexually explicit photos on Instagramhas hosted several drag queen story hours for children, read to kids at a face-painting drag story hour with arts and crafts at the so-called all-ages “Family Dragtivity Day” in Austin, and is seen on video performing a show in front of several very young children.

Bandit argued that children are safer at a drag queen story hour than at their own schools.

Bandit – a biological male – spoke about the necessity for hormone blockers for trans youth at the three-day convention.

“Hormone blockers that are medically necessary for more than just trans youth,” Bandit said. “Gender-affirming care is life-saving. We have a duty to protect our most marginalized communities. Trans kids deserve to grow into healthy adults.”

Bandit concluded, “Free Palestine, long live Texas drag, protect trans kids, and happy Pride Month, everybody.”

Bandit sued the state over Texas Senate Bill 12, legislation attempting to protect children from sexually oriented performances on public property. The bill was ultimately shot down by a federal judge in September and deemed to be “unconstitutionally overbroad and vague,” according to the Texas Tribune.

Bandit reacted to the bill’s demise by leading the crowd at a drag queen showcase in a chant against Republicans: “F*** Ted Cruz! F*** Greg Abbott! Trans Texans belong here! Drag queens belong here!”

In a 2023 profile by the Austin Chronicle, Bandit told the outlet, “I remember as a kid really struggling to learn the gender binary. I really struggled with understanding, like, okay, who’s a boy and who’s a girl? I remember the very first time I saw a butch lesbian – it blew my mind, it blew my mind! I think I’ve always understood that gender is something that’s taught.”

Bandit told the outlet about working with children since the age of 15.

“I’ve just been around kids in different ways throughout my life. It’s comfortable for me. It’s natural. I’ve always liked it,” Bandit said.

Bandit’s first performed in a drag show at age 26.

Bandit wears a breastplate for the onstage identity, and stated, “I have these big fake t***ies and I do outrageous stuff – just campy, goofy, big, colorful s**t.”

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